Are you searching for “Radiant Barrier Phoenix” while considering improving the insulation in your home? This article is designed to answer the common questions people have and to improve your knowledge so you can make an informed investment in your home’s energy saving insulation.
- What Do Radiant Barriers Do?
- How Do Radiant Barriers Work?
- What Types Of Radiant Barriers Are There?
- Effective Radiant Barrier Installation
- Phoenix Radiant Barrier Contractor
To reduce summer heat radiant barriers are installed in the attics of many Phoenix homes. Radiant barriers are highly reflective materials that differ from standard insulation materials. This article explains in more detail how radiant barriers save energy in Phoenix homes.
What Do Radiant Barriers Do?

How Do Radiant Barriers Work?
The natural property of heat is to expand and move to cooler areas. This is done by a combination of heat transfer methods. Convection, conduction, and radiation are the ways that heat travels. Conduction is when the heat travels physically through the material. Think of a pan on a stove, the heat is applied to the bottom of the pan, but many times the heat travels through the metal and up into the handle. Convection differs in the way that heat transfer through gasses or liquids. A hot surface heats the air or liquid around it and the gas or liquid itself transfers the heat. Radiant heat travels in straight lines away from the hot surfaces. It does so until it hits a solid surface that absorbs the energy.
While most traditional insulation systems rely on slowing the transfer of conductive heat, radiant barriers reflect heat. This reduces overall heat gain in the house. The sun’s radiant heat is the primary method of roofs and attics heating up. The sun heats up the roofing materials; they in turn conduct the heat through to the attic. The heat is then radiated from the hot roof into to cooler attic space and heats the floor of the attic.
A radiant barrier simply provides a barrier from the radiant heat transfer from the hot roof to the attic floor and air ducts in your attic. Radiant barriers are especially popular and effective in hotter climates like Phoenix, Arizona. This is because the primary concern for the southern and hotter regions of the country is keeping the heat out of the houses and energy bills lower for cooling our homes. Not containing the heat in our homes during the winter.
What Types Of Radiant Barriers Are There?
There are different makeups and brands of radiant barriers. Most feature a highly reflective aluminum foil material that is backed with different types of substrates. Plastic film, craft paper, oriented strand board, and even cardboard act as backings for radiant barriers. Some radiant barrier materials are even back with fibers to make handling easier and increase durability.
Radiant barriers need not be the only insulation method. They can be used to increase the thermal performance of any home. In some cases the radiant material is actually built into some insulation products to provide a simpler, yet drastically more effective insulating effect.
Effective Radiant Barrier Installation
As with any insulation material the effectiveness of radiant barriers relies on the quality of installation. Certified radiant barrier installers have the experience, and knowledge to make the most of your insulation investment.
With new build insulation it is quite easy for radiant barriers to be installed. Existing homes can have radiant barriers added, but special care and installation methods are used for these applications. Typically in new build applications radiant barriers are put in place between the rafters before the decking goes down. However it is possible to add them afterword from the inside of the attic. The radiant barrier is put between the rafters to control dust accumulation. Excessive dust on a radiant barrier will negatively affect thermal performance.
Experienced Phoenix Radiant Barrier Contractor
If you are building a home, or are just wanting to repair or replace a radiant barrier in your home get in touch with Arizona’s radiant barrier experts. Our goal is always to provide the most cost effective solutions that will save you money in both cold and hot weather for your home or business. Keeping the energy costs down is everyone’s priority and our products are aimed at helping you keep everyone comfortable without having to overspend on your energy bills.