Are Solar Panels Worth It In Phoenix
Written by Barrier Insulation Inc

Best Reasons To Go Solar In Arizona

If you are searching for “reasons to go solar” in Arizona, we’re here to provide the top 8 reasons why now is the time to go solar!

Why Go Solar?

Here are just a few of the reasons why so many Arizona homeowners are choosing to go solar:

  • Arizona Has The Most Sunny Days In The U.S.
  • The State Will Help You Pay For Solar Panels
  • Federal Tax Credit
  • Lock In Utility Costs For The Next 25 Years
  • Solar Panels Increase Your Home’s Value
  • Inexpensive Solar Panel Installation
  • Lower Your Carbon Footprint
  • Arizona Has The Sunniest Cities In The Country

Keep reading for details on these benefits below.

1. Arizona Has The Most Sunny Days In The U.S.

According to BestPlaces, Arizona currently receives more than 299 sunny days. That is the most in country, even including the sunshine state of Florida. Since other energy sources like gas and oil are finite, solar power clearly has its advantages. Investing in solar panels today will save you a large amount of money in the future and add value to your home, at the same time!

2. The State Will Help You Pay For Solar Panels

The Arizona government offers solar tax incentives to individuals and businesses investing in solar panel systems. Known as the solar energy credit, this incentive can be worth nearly 25% of the cost of a solar panel device up to $1,000. The government credit can also be utilized for other systems, such as cooling, lighting and other electricity. This is the perfect incentive to take advantage of if you are looking to save money by going solar.

3. Federal Tax Credit

The federal government is offering tax credits to homeowners opting to go solar. These credits have been worth between 26-30% over the years, but change annually. Experts say homeowners who choose to go solar will save $25,000 over the next 25 years.

4. Lock In Utility Costs For The Next 25 Years

With solar panel installation, you have the ability to lock in your utility costs for the next quarter of a century. Utility rates are constantly going up and seemingly never coming back down. Take away the certainty of rising costs by investing in solar power today.

Utility Bills

5. Solar Panels Increase Your Home’s Value

In Arizona, adding solar panels to your home will increase its value by 2-3%. Plus, new homebuyers will usually pay more for a house with panels already installed. This means homebuyers pay an average of $15,000 more for a home with panels. Make sure you purchase the panels, though, as leasing panels can only decrease your home’s value.

6. Inexpensive Solar Panel Installation

Since the cost to finance solar is cheaper than what you currently pay the utility company, you can start saving money right away. Plus, installing your solar system will not cost you any money out of pocket unless you plan to pay with cash.

7. Lower Your Carbon Footprint

Pollution has negative and long-term effects on the local environment and planet as a whole. Thankfully, you can reduce your carbon footprint by investing in solar energy. Solar panel systems do not rely on fossil fuels, providing safe and clean energy.

8. Arizona Has The Sunniest Cities In The Country

We already know the state receives the most sun in the U.S., but that doesn’t mean any city is immune. In fact, a recent study named three Arizona cities within the top five in the country for most sunlight received. These cities include Phoenix, Yuma and Tucson. Turn the sun into clean and efficient energy by going solar today.

Solar Panels In Phoenix

Schedule Your Insulation Services Today!

Whether you are building a new house, or just need to remove the old insulation and install a newer more energy efficient option Barrier Insulation is Phoenix’s first choice in home and commercial insulation. We proudly provide the valley’s more comprehensive insulation service that helps you stay more comfortable and save on energy. Click here to schedule on our website, or just give us a call at 602-499-2922.

How To Clean Solar Panels
Written by Barrier Insulation Inc

Cleaning Solar Panels

How can you properly clean your solar panels? Follow our step-by-step guide below!

What To Know Before Cleaning Solar Panels

Not all solar panels are the same or feature the same maintenance suggestions, so check the manufacturer’s instructions before cleaning. Make safety your number one priority if you decide to do this as a DIY project.

Cooler days are better for cleanings since this minimizes the possibility of cracking glass as the water dries. Do not use a heavy-duty detergent for the cleaning process. Remember to turn the panels off before cleaning, refraining from touching the underside at any point. Call a professional for the job if you have any safety concerns.

Step 1. Clear Off Debris With A Soft Brush

  • Debris, such as dirt and dust, should be brushed away gently with a soft-bristled tool.
  • This cleaning process can be done from the ground if the brush is attached to an extension pole.
  • You will need a ladder in the event your brush does not come with an extension.
  • Wear a hardhat and harness when climbing onto the roof.
  • Start by gently brushing the individual panels.
  • Refrain from adding water to the brush at this time.

Step 2. Spray Panels Down With A Hose

  • A garden hose can be used to wash off any remaining dust or debris.
  • High-pressure washing can damage the panels, so don’t use an excess of water.
  • Damaging the panels with water could void warranties due to noncompliance with manufacturer specifications.
  • If a hose has a high-pressure attachment, it should be removed prior to cleaning.
  • Proceed with caution, carefully spraying each panel.

Step 3. Scrub With A Soft Brush And Water

  • Problem areas can be given extra attention with a sponge or soft cloth dunked into a bucket of clean water.
  • Use a gentle and repetitive motion to wipe away any spots.
  • It’s recommended to use water that is deionized or distilled.
  • Use a squirt of mild, gentle dish soap mixed with one part vinegar and eight parts water for stubborn spots.
  • Once the soap is rinsed, it may leave behind undesirable streaks.

Step 4. Measure The Cleaning Impact

  • Solar panels are rated for solar output within a specific range of watts based on system, location and environmental factors.
  • With low solar outputs, homeowners rely on power from additional energy providers that may drive up energy bills.
  • Review your bills both before and after cleaning your solar panels.
  • Clean panels will have lower energy costs, overall.

Step 5. Contact Professionals For Cleaning Needs

  • Contact a professional if you do not feel you can handle this task in a safe manner.
  • Removal of build-up is part of solar panel upkeep.
  • Remember that solar panels cannot be used while the cleaning process is ongoing.

Schedule Your Insulation Services Today!

Whether you are building a new house, or just need to remove the old insulation and install a newer more energy efficient option Barrier Insulation is Phoenix’s first choice in home and commercial insulation. We proudly provide the valley’s more comprehensive insulation service that helps you stay more comfortable and save on energy. Click here to schedule on our website, or just give us a call at 602-499-2922.

Arizona Solar Incentives
Written by webtechs

Arizona Solar Incentives

The state of Arizona receives more direct sunlight than any other state and it also ranks second for the most residential solar installations in the U.S. So, what are the incentives to go solar in the valley of the sun?

Arizona Solar Tax Incentives

There are numerous incentives for Arizona home and business owners to go solar. Here’s a look at the current tax incentives available in the state.

1. Federal Solar Tax Credit

The majority of Arizona residents are eligible to receive the Federal Tax Credit, which is also known as the Residential Clean Energy Credit. This credit allows eligible homeowners to reduce the amount of tax they owe up to 30% of their solar panel installation cost from federal income taxes.

Battery storage systems can also qualify for the Residential Clean Energy Credit, as well as residents who install solar panels. Many Arizona homeowners opt for battery storage systems when investing in solar energy.

While this tax credit does not directly lower the cost of your newly-installed system, it will help offset the cost by lowering your tax liability for the year of the installation. It’s important to note that tax credits are not a rebate or a refund. Homeowners will need to have a federal tax liability first in order to benefit from this tax break.

2. Arizona State Residential Solar Tax Credit

In addition to the Residential Clean Energy Credit, most valley residents are eligible for the state solar tax credit. This credit is valued at 25% of your total system cost, up to a maximum amount of $1,000.

Anyone who is eligible can claim the credit for up to five years, with the amount never able to exceed $1,000. Arizona homeowners must have a state tax liability in order to qualify for the solar tax credit.

3. Energy Equipment Property Tax Exemption

Solar power installation has been proven to increase your home’s value. In this state, solar panels are eligible for a property tax exemption. This means that if your solar system increase your home’s value, then you may be exempt from paying taxes on the recently increased value.

In addition to the installation of solar panels, this tax exemption can be applied to the following:

  • Solar water heaters.
  • Solar pool heaters.
  • Passive solar technology.
  • Solar space heaters.
  • Solar thermal electric.
  • Solar thermal process heaters.
  • Other solar-powered appliances.

4. Solar Equipment Sales Tax Exemption

The state of Arizona currently offers a sales tax exemption for the retail sale of solar energy devices, and for the installation of these energy-saving devices by contractors.

Is Going Solar Worth It In Arizona?

As the sunniest state in the U.S., Arizona consistently ranks as one of the best states to make the transition to solar power. It’s best to first access your monthly energy bills, determine how much sun your home receives per day, then calculate the size and expense of the solar panels you wish to install.

You must also consider your financing options and the expected return on investment. Contact a solar installer for an accurate estimate in your area.

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost?

The typical cost for a 7kW solar system of panels runs around $24,500. This price is dependent on how many watts of power your home will use, multiplied by the current rate of solar panels (per watt) in Arizona. An average home in the valley of the sun will use around 7 kW. The cost of $24,500 includes installation costs and materials.

According to HomeGuide, solar panels will cost about $7 per square foot in Arizona. Prices will range from $4-$10 per square foot, typically. Meanwhile, commercial solar panels in Arizona will cost between $2.50-$3.50 per watt, meaning business owners can expect to pay $3.00 per watt, on average.

How Much Money Can You Save?

Aside from saving on taxes, some estimates say you could save up to 99% on your electricity bill. Now, this figure may sound unrealistic, but with 300 sunny days per year and a powerful solar system, your average monthly bill could come out to just $35.

Schedule Your Insulation Services Today!

Whether you are building a new house, or just need to remove the old insulation and install a newer more energy efficient option Barrier Insulation is Phoenix’s first choice in home and commercial insulation. We proudly provide the valley’s more comprehensive insulation service that helps you stay more comfortable and save on energy. Click here to schedule on our website, or just give us a call at 602-499-2922.

Solar Shingles Vs Solar Panels
Written by webtechs

Solar Shingles Vs Solar Panels

If you live in an area that’s exposed to sunlight year-round, then it might be wise to consider installing a residential solar system. Solar panels are the most common way homeowners harness the sun’s energy, but solar shingles are another viable option. So what are the differences and similarities between panels and shingles?

What Are Solar Shingles?

Think of solar shingles as small solar panels that integrate with your existing roof shingles or roofing system, if necessary. Shingles work the same way standard solar panels work, yet shingles are used to build a roof. Panels, meanwhile, are assembled on top of an existing roof.

The biggest benefit to installing shingles is that your roofing system will simply look like a normal roof. Just like panels, these shingles will absorb energy from the sun. Some of the energy may be stored in a solar battery and some might be converted into useful alternating current. This allows you as a homeowner to power appliances and other devices in the home using renewable energy.

Pros And Cons Of Solar Shingles And Solar Panels

As you consider options for residential solar power, it’s crucial to take note of the pros and cons of both panels and shingles. Both PV systems can efficiently supply your home with energy, but there are some drawbacks. Below are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a solar system.

Solar Shingles Pros

  • More aesthetically pleasing than panels.
  • Quicker installation.
  • Lower conversion efficiency than solar panels.
  • Can be the more cost-effective choice.

Solar Shingles Cons

  • Not as many options readily available.
  • Less companies install shingles.
  • More expensive than regular panels.

Solar Panels Pros

  • Many different options to choose from.
  • Lower cost than solar shingles.
  • More efficient than shingles.
  • Easier to adjust positioning.

Solar Panels Cons

  • Do not offer the same aesthetic appeal.
  • You roof must be in good condition prior to installation.
  • Longer installation process.

How Much Do Solar Shingles Cost?

Solar shingles are generally more expensive than solar panels. The overall cost will depend on the company you buy from. For example, SolarMagazine reports solar shingle installation costs between $15,000-$20,000. There are some outliers, though. High-end solar shingles from a company like Tesla could cost as much as $70,000.

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost?

The typical cost for a 7kW solar system of panels runs around $24,500. This price is dependent on how many watts of power your home will use, multiplied by the current rate of solar panels (per watt) in Arizona. An average home in the valley of the sun will use around 7 kW. The cost of $24,500 includes installation costs and materials.

Solar Panels Cost Per Square Foot: According to HomeGuide, solar panels will cost about $7 per square foot in Arizona. Prices will range from $4-$10 per square foot, typically.

Commercial Solar Panels Costs Per Watt: Typically, commercial solar panels in Arizona will cost between $2.50-$3.50 per watt, meaning business owners can expect to pay $3.00 per watt, on average.

Solar Panel Cost In Arizona

Should I Get Solar Shingles Or Solar Panels?

There are clearly many benefits of installing a solar roof. Your energy bills will decrease over time, as will your carbon footprint. Of course, though, there are some drawbacks, including the high overall cost of installation and upkeep.

Options for homeowners to generate solar power continue to increase. Solar cells are becoming more and more efficient, while more solar shingle offerings are inevitable. As more offerings hit the market, the prices will likely become more competitive and reasonable for homeowners.

Schedule Your Insulation Services Today!

Whether you are building a new house, or just need to remove the old insulation and install a newer more energy efficient option Barrier Insulation is Phoenix’s first choice in home and commercial insulation. We proudly provide the valley’s more comprehensive insulation service that helps you stay more comfortable and save on energy. Click here to schedule on our website, or just give us a call at 602-499-2922.

Do Solar Panels Work On Cloudy Days
Written by webtechs

Do Solar Panels Work On Cloudy Days?

Solar panels allow home and business owners to harness the sun’s clean and renewable energy, cutting electric bills at the same time. Do solar panels work on cloudy days, though? This article will go over how these panels work on cloudy days and in other inclement weather conditions.

How Do Solar Panels Work On Cloudy Days?

Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels can utilize both direct and indirect sunlight to generate electrical power. This means the panels can still generate power even when there is a good amount of cloud cover up above. With that being said, of course, panels are more efficient and productive when they are taking in direct sunlight on sunny days.

The energy production capacity of the solar panels will undoubtedly be diminished when the light is reflected or partially obstructed by clouds. Typically, panels will generate only 10-25% of their normal power output on days featuring heavy cloud coverage.

Rain will sometimes come along with clouds, but the good news is rain actually helps panels work more effectively. This is due to the fact that rain will likely wash away any dust or dirt that has gather on the panels. Once the dust or dirt is removed, panels can absorb sunlight easier.

How Efficient Are Solar Panels On Cloudy Days?

Overall efficiency will depend on the type of panels, but you can expect the panels to work somewhere between 10-25% efficiency during cloudy days.

Do Solar Panels Work When There Is No Sun?

If there is no sunlight at all, panels do not work. This is because the photovoltaic effect, which is the process through which panels convert sunlight into energy, requiring at least some light from above.

Schedule Your Insulation Services Today!

Whether you are building a new house, or just need to remove the old insulation and install a newer more energy efficient option Barrier Insulation is Phoenix’s first choice in home and commercial insulation. We proudly provide the valley’s more comprehensive insulation service that helps you stay more comfortable and save on energy. Click here to schedule on our website, or just give us a call at 602-499-2922.

How To Clean Solar Panels
Written by webtechs

How To Clean Solar Panels

How can you properly clean your solar panels? Follow our step-by-step guide below!

What To Know Before Cleaning Solar Panels

Not all solar panels are the same or feature the same maintenance suggestions, so check the manufacturer’s instructions before cleaning. Make safety your number one priority if you decide to do this as a DIY project.

Cooler days are better for cleanings since this minimizes the possibility of cracking glass as the water dries. Do not use a heavy-duty detergent for the cleaning process. Remember to turn the panels off before cleaning, refraining from touching the underside at any point. Call a professional for the job if you have any safety concerns.

Step 1. Clear Off Debris With A Soft Brush

  • Debris, such as dirt and dust, should be brushed away gently with a soft-bristled tool.
  • This cleaning process can be done from the ground if the brush is attached to an extension pole.
  • You will need a ladder in the event your brush does not come with an extension.
  • Wear a hardhat and harness when climbing onto the roof.
  • Start by gently brushing the individual panels.
  • Refrain from adding water to the brush at this time.

Step 2. Spray Panels Down With A Hose

  • A garden hose can be used to wash off any remaining dust or debris.
  • High-pressure washing can damage the panels, so don’t use an excess of water.
  • Damaging the panels with water could void warranties due to noncompliance with manufacturer specifications.
  • If a hose has a high-pressure attachment, it should be removed prior to cleaning.
  • Proceed with caution, carefully spraying each panel.

Step 3. Scrub With A Soft Brush And Water

  • Problem areas can be given extra attention with a sponge or soft cloth dunked into a bucket of clean water.
  • Use a gentle and repetitive motion to wipe away any spots.
  • It’s recommended to use water that is deionized or distilled.
  • Use a squirt of mild, gentle dish soap mixed with one part vinegar and eight parts water for stubborn spots.
  • Once the soap is rinsed, it may leave behind undesirable streaks.

Step 4. Measure The Cleaning Impact

  • Solar panels are rated for solar output within a specific range of watts based on system, location and environmental factors.
  • With low solar outputs, homeowners rely on power from additional energy providers that may drive up energy bills.
  • Review your bills both before and after cleaning your solar panels.
  • Clean panels will have lower energy costs, overall.

Step 5. Contact Professionals For Cleaning Needs

  • Contact a professional if you do not feel you can handle this task in a safe manner.
  • Removal of build-up is part of solar panel upkeep.
  • Remember that solar panels cannot be used while the cleaning process is ongoing.

Schedule Your Insulation Services Today!

Whether you are building a new house, or just need to remove the old insulation and install a newer more energy efficient option Barrier Insulation is Phoenix’s first choice in home and commercial insulation. We proudly provide the valley’s more comprehensive insulation service that helps you stay more comfortable and save on energy. Click here to schedule on our website, or just give us a call at 602-499-2922.

Are Solar Panels Worth It In Arizona
Written by webtechs

Are Solar Panels Worth It In Arizona?

Solar panel installation can drastically cut energy bills and the state of Arizona will help you pay for it! Let’s look at some more reasons why you should consider the switch to solar.

Should I Go Solar In Arizona?

There are many reasons why solar panel installation is becoming more and more popular in the valley of the sun. Below are some of the reasons why making the switch to solar is beneficial in Arizona.

The State Will Help You Pay For Solar Panels

The Arizona government offers solar tax incentives to individuals and businesses investing in solar panel systems. Known as the solar energy credit, this incentive can be worth nearly 25% of the cost of a solar panel device up to $1,000. The government credit can also be utilized for other systems, such as cooling, lighting and other electricity. This is the perfect incentive to take advantage of if you are looking to save money by going solar.

Arizona Has The Most Sunny Days In The U.S.

According to BestPlaces, Arizona currently receives more than 299 sunny days. That is the most in country, even including the sunshine state of Florida. Since other energy sources like gas and oil are finite, solar power clearly has its advantages. Investing in solar panels today will save you a large amount of money in the future and add value to your home, at the same time!

Federal Tax Credit

The federal government is offering tax credits to homeowners opting to go solar. These credits have been worth between 26-30% over the years, but change annually. Experts say homeowners who choose to go solar will save $25,000 over the next 25 years.

Solar Panels Boost Home’s Value

According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, installing solar panels can increase your home’s value by $20 for every $1 reduction in annual utility bills. This means that a solar energy system that saves $400 per year on utility bills will ultimately boost your home’s value by $8,000.

There are mixed views by many home experts, though. They believe the value of solar panels truly lies in the eyes of the potential buyer. Some may see it as a plus, others may see it as a negative. Solar panels are just like swimming pools or fences in that regard. It really depends on what the buyer is looking for in a new home purchase. Once you’ve found the right buyer, there is no doubt these systems will increase your home’s overall value.

Locks In Utility Costs

With solar panel installation, you have the ability to lock in your utility costs for the next quarter of a century. Utility rates are constantly going up and seemingly never coming back down. Take away the certainty of rising costs by investing in solar power today.

Utility Bills

Inexpensive Solar Panel Installation

Since the cost to finance solar is cheaper than what you currently pay the utility company, you can start saving money right away. Plus, installing your solar system will not cost you any money out of pocket unless you plan to pay with cash.

Lowers Your Carbon Footprint

Pollution has negative and long-term effects on the local environment and planet as a whole. Thankfully, you can reduce your carbon footprint by investing in solar energy. Solar panel systems do not rely on fossil fuels, providing safe and clean energy.

How Much Money Can You Save?

Aside from saving on taxes, some estimates say you could save up to 99% on your electricity bill. Now, this figure may sound unrealistic, but with 300 sunny days per year and a powerful solar system, your average monthly bill could come out to just $35.

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost?

The typical cost for a 7kW solar system of panels runs around $24,500. This price is dependent on how many watts of power your home will use, multiplied by the current rate of solar panels (per watt) in Arizona. An average home in the valley of the sun will use around 7 kW. The cost of $24,500 includes installation costs and materials.

According to HomeGuide, solar panels will cost about $7 per square foot in Arizona. Prices will range from $4-$10 per square foot, typically. Meanwhile, commercial solar panels in Arizona will cost between $2.50-$3.50 per watt, meaning business owners can expect to pay $3.00 per watt, on average.

Is Going Solar Worth It In Arizona?

As the sunniest state in the U.S., Arizona consistently ranks as one of the best states to make the transition to solar power. It’s best to first access your monthly energy bills, determine how much sun your home receives per day, then calculate the size and expense of the solar panels you wish to install.

You must also consider your financing options and the expected return on investment. Contact a solar installer for an accurate estimate in your area.

Schedule Your Insulation Services Today!

Whether you are building a new house, or just need to remove the old insulation and install a newer more energy efficient option Barrier Insulation is Phoenix’s first choice in home and commercial insulation. We proudly provide the valley’s more comprehensive insulation service that helps you stay more comfortable and save on energy. Click here to schedule on our website, or just give us a call at 602-499-2922.

How Much Does Solar Panel Repair Cost
Written by Barrier Insulation Inc

Solar Panel Repair Costs 2022

Solar panel repair across the U.S. will cost an average of $220, with prices ranging from $100-$340. Typically, solar panel repair costs $100 per hour, according to HomeAdvisor.

Cost To Fix Cracked Solar Panel

On average, it will cost $100 per hour to fix any cracks on a solar panel. Sometimes, though, homeowners may opt to replace the panel altogether if the damage is extensive. If you choose to go for the replacement instead of repair, you can expect to pay $200-$400 per hour.

Cost To Repair Broken Glass In Solar Panel

For slight chips, you can expect to pay a flat fee around $20. The highest cost possible will be around $340 to replace the glass with a brand new panel.

Cost to Repair Loose Panel Connection

Generally, repairing a lose solar panel connection costs about $100. This will require having a solar panel technician come to your home in order to inspect and tighten your connections. This repair service shouldn’t take more than an hour to complete.

Solar PV Inverter Replacement Cost

This is one of the more costly replacements, running at an average price of $2,200. The costs will range from $1,400-$3,000, in general. This price tag includes the cost of labor. A smaller micro inverter will only cost a high of $750 to replace.

Average Solar Panel Repair Costs

On average, solar panel repair costs $220, with a low of $100 and a high of $340. Total costs will depend on the extent of the damage and company chosen to perform the repairs.

Solar Panel Repair Cost

Schedule Your Insulation Services Today!

Whether you are building a new house, or just need to remove the old insulation and install a newer more energy efficient option Barrier Insulation is Phoenix’s first choice in home and commercial insulation. We proudly provide the valley’s more comprehensive insulation service that helps you stay more comfortable and save on energy. Click here to schedule on our website, or just give us a call at 602-499-2922.

Commercial Solar Panels
Written by Barrier Insulation Inc

Commercial Solar Panels Cost 2022

Commercial solar panels typically cost an average of $251,162, with a range of prices from $50,211-$502,113 in 2022. The total cost of these panels will depend on the number of kilowatts needed to cover your energy consumption, according to EnergySage.

The typical cost for a commercial solar panel 100kW system is $251,162, based on an average price of $3 per watt. Here are average costs for commercial panels varying in size:

  • Small commercial panel (25 kW): $50,211 on average
  • Small to medium commercial panel (50kW): $100,423
  • Medium commercial panel (100kW): $200,846
  • Large commercial panel (250kW): $502,113

*Pricing includes a federal tax credit of 30%

Commercial Solar Panels Cost

Are Solar Panels Worth It?

If you are wondering whether solar panels are worth the investment for your commercial property, the answer is a resounding yes! Solar panels can offset electricity costs by upwards of 75% per month. Additionally, business owners can deduct up to 85% of the system cost from their taxes.

Here is a look at a few of the benefits of solar panels:

  • Reduces electricity costs
  • Quick return on investment
  • Maintenance free
  • Power costs will be locked in for years to come
  • Huge tax rebates for businesses
  • Can be financed with no money down and/or low monthly payments

Do Commercial Solar Panels Save Money?

Commercial facilities that installed these solar panels tend to save up to 75% on monthly utility bills. It only takes an average of 5 years to pay off your commercial solar system, which leads to 25-35 years of free electricity. Here are a few ways your business could save even more money after installing solar panels:

Federal Tax Credit

A federal tax credit can save new solar installers upwards of 30% of the cost of the total panel installation.

State Tax Credit

States like Arizona offer a 10% credit, which helps offset the cost of the panels.

Accelerated Depreciation

Commercial property owners are able to deduct up to 85% of the system’s total value from their business taxes.

Any business that opts for solar panel installation can enjoy these benefits:

  • Offset electricity usage by 75%
  • Save nearly $1,500 per month
  • Pay off system cost in 5 years, on average
  • Enjoy free electricity for the next 25-35 years.

Commercial Solar Panels Cost In Arizona

Typically, commercial solar panels in Arizona will cost between $2.50-$3.50 per watt, meaning business owners can expect to pay $3.00 per watt, on average.

Solar Panel Cost In Arizona

Schedule Your Insulation Services Today!

Whether you are building a new house, or just need to remove the old insulation and install a newer more energy efficient option Barrier Insulation is Phoenix’s first choice in home and commercial insulation. We proudly provide the valley’s more comprehensive insulation service that helps you stay more comfortable and save on energy. Click here to schedule on our website, or just give us a call at 602-499-2922.

How Much Does Solar Panel Repair Cost
Written by webtechs

How Much Does Solar Panel Repair Cost?

Solar panel repair across the U.S. will cost an average of $220, with prices ranging from $100-$340. Typically, solar panel repair costs $100 per hour, according to HomeAdvisor.

Cost To Fix Cracked Solar Panel

On average, it will cost $100 per hour to fix any cracks on a solar panel. Sometimes, though, homeowners may opt to replace the panel altogether if the damage is extensive. If you choose to go for the replacement instead of repair, you can expect to pay $200-$400 per hour.

Cost To Repair Broken Glass In Solar Panel

For slight chips, you can expect to pay a flat fee around $20. The highest cost possible will be around $340 to replace the glass with a brand new panel.

Cost to Repair Loose Panel Connection

Generally, repairing a lose solar panel connection costs about $100. This will require having a solar panel technician come to your home in order to inspect and tighten your connections. This repair service shouldn’t take more than an hour to complete.

Solar PV Inverter Replacement Cost

This is one of the more costly replacements, running at an average price of $2,200. The costs will range from $1,400-$3,000, in general. This price tag includes the cost of labor. A smaller micro inverter will only cost a high of $750 to replace.

Average Solar Panel Repair Costs

On average, solar panel repair costs $220, with a low of $100 and a high of $340. Total costs will depend on the extent of the damage and company chosen to perform the repairs.

Solar Panel Repair Cost

Schedule Your Insulation Services Today!

Whether you are building a new house, or just need to remove the old insulation and install a newer more energy efficient option Barrier Insulation is Phoenix’s first choice in home and commercial insulation. We proudly provide the valley’s more comprehensive insulation service that helps you stay more comfortable and save on energy. Click here to schedule on our website, or just give us a call at 602-499-2922.

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